Energy Saver Plan - Auto Off

Are you the forgetful sort? Are you forever leaving your AC on? Set up custom auto-off settings with the Sensibo Energy Saver Plan! Managing your home's air conditioning can be a hassle, but the Sensibo Energy Saver Plan makes it easy. Never forget to turn off your air conditioner or heat pump ever again.

Automatic Deactivation

One of the most powerful features of the Sensibo Energy Saver Plan is "Auto Off". This feature allows you to set a recurring failsafe timer that will always deactivate your AC even if you forget to.

This way, you'll never have to worry about leaving your AC running when you're not home, and you'll be able to save energy in the process. Here are a few examples of how this feature can be put to use:

Peace of Mind

If your kid is home, but not in their room, you can set up an auto-off timer that will turn off their AC after a certain amount of time. This way, you'll never have to wonder if they remembered to turn it off, saving you energy and peace of mind.

Set a Timer

If you have a home office that’s used for only short periods, you can set up an auto-off timer that will turn off your AC while you're away. This way, you won't be wasting energy on a room you’re not using.

Overall, Sensibo Energy Saver Plan is a great investment for anyone looking to automate and optimize their AC usage. With the auto-off feature, you'll be able to save energy and stay comfortable without lifting a finger.

Set a recurring failsafe timer that will deactivate your AC even if you forget to do so.

  1. Swipe up to open the device menu and select Auto Off

  1. Select how long your AC should remain on before automatically turning off

Your AC will now shut off automatically according to the selected time

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