How to reset WiFi & Password

You will need to reset the password on the Sensibo Air PRO device in these instances:

  • You changed your network WiFi name
  • You changed your network WiFi password
  • You moved the Sensibo Air PRO device to a new location

After doing one of the above you will need to reset the WiFi profiles on Sensibo in order to allow it to connect to the new network.

You may reset the WiFi by inserting a pin in the following hole. Press and hold for five seconds. The device will start blinking.

or to reset the WiFi profile on Sensibo Air PRO through the app follow these steps:

  1. Select "HELP" to access the WiFi set-up wizard.
  1. Select "Reset WiFi settings" to continue.
  1. It will begin searching for the device.
  1. Once found, you will be prompted to select your network and enter your password.
  1. It will apply the new changes and connect to the new network, update the password, or both.
  1. During this process, it will check for any firmware updates.
  1. Once successfully connected you will see the following notification.

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